
Monday, 29 October 2012


In the supermarket I met my girl;
She was stacking shelves in the biscuit aisle.
Though I spoke to her of Viennese whirls,
It was her golden curls that made me smile.
She soon was ensconced behind a big till,
Scanning my threes for the price of twoses.
She encouraged me to reduce my bill,
By choosing ‘own brand’ bottles of boozes.
Promotion arrived, and with it a change;
They gave her a badge and a bunch of keys.
She now recommended the ‘finest’ range.
With ring in a box I begged on my knees.
My clubcard she took and broke it in two:
‘You’re off your trolley; I’d never wed you’.


sebastian said...

I like that poem, but would not the ending be better something such as: "I'd never wed such a one - as ye?"

Just followed you on Twitter; what can I say?

I have a discerning penchant for Mr Ben!

(PS: I had to do the spam verification a number of times...)

Alina said...

This has certainly gifted me a smile through its unexpected play of words;thank you William